Friday 22 June 2018

Benecos natural make up

Benecos, is a young label from Germany offering pure natural beauty for the Face and body.
Benecos Products are BDIH certified  and DO NOT CONTAIN: paraffin, parabens, silicones, PEG and synthetic colours, fragrance, and preservatives.
Designed and manufactured WITHOUT animal testing.

Benecos offers bright, modern, cruelty free products all at affordable prices. The products are natural and organic and their make-up range is filled with a variety of colours, so say goodbye to dull and boring and hello to the vibrant and dynamic world of benecos colour cosmetics!
The benecos range is BDIH* certified except the happy nails nail polish range which is now free from 8 harmful chemicals (toluene, formaldehydes, camphor, phthalates, parabens, silicones, TPHP and colophony). Over 72% of the products are vegan, this means that they do not contain any animal ingredients, or derivatives, and that the products contain less harmful chemicals than other cosmetic brands.
*BDIH (Association of German Industries and Trading Firms) is a German based organisation comprising over 440 producers and distributors of cosmetics, food supplements, nutritional foods and over-the-counter medicines that has developed a comprehensive set of guidelines for certifying natural cosmetics and which has now tested over 2,000 products.
The guidelines cover raw materials from plant & mineral, animal protection and they reject use of organic-synthetic dyes, synthetic fragrances, silicones, paraffin and other petroleum based products.


A percentage of everything we put on our skin is absorbed by our body and for many substances used in conventional cosmetics, this may even be harmful to our health. While Benecos cosmetics and toiletries should no contain ingredients that may harm the body, this is why they only use natural and organic ingredients in our products.
Benecos use plant oils and waxes which have a composition similar to skin lipids and support the natural regulation processes of the skin. Plant oils and waxes are harmless on the skin, they hydrate and nourish, regulate and regenerate and protect the skin.
BDIH-certified benecos products do not contain:
mineral oils or derivatives
synthetic emulsifiers or their derivatives (PEG/PEG derivatives)
synthetic colorants
synthetic fragrancesor aromatic substances.
These substances have no place in natural cosmetics!
At benecos we guarantee that all our products are natural with beneficial skin ingredients (whenever possible from controlled organic agriculture). A natural treat for your skin!



Benecos do not use any nanomaterials in their products in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009. In Benecos products, titanium dioxide is only used as a pigment (CI 77891), not as a (nano) UV protection component.
It is good to know that the list of ingredients (INCI), according to the EU Cosmetics Regulation, reveals the size range: All ingredients present in the form of nanomaterials shall be clearly indicated in the list of ingredients. The names of such ingredients shall be followed by the word ‘nano’ in brackets (Article 19 (1) (g) EU Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009).

Tuesday 5 June 2018

doTERRA Rosemary 迷迭香







迷迭香單方精油刺激頭皮、頭皮屑、損壞頭髮、油性頭髮、血液迴圈、感冒或病毒感染、抗菌、氣喘 支氣管炎、利尿、振奮精神。鎮痛、抗菌、消炎、抗氧化、動脈硬化、低血壓、貧血、迴圈不良引起的血凝塊、血液解毒、雷諾氏症、精神慢性疲勞、容易分心、情緒波動、慌亂、嗜睡症、昏倒、阿茲海默症(老人癡呆症)、宿醉、暫時性顏面神經麻痺、糖尿病、膽結石、肝硬化、傷口、掉發、頭髮乾燥、經痛、內分泌系統、陰道發炎。









Saturday 2 June 2018


Essentisl oils don't just add aroma to a room, they also provide numerous health benefits for the household. The most effective and easiest way to use essential oils probably the diffuser that dispense these benefits into the air so as to improve your health, boost your energy and promote good sleep, among others.

This handy device offers a natural and safer alternative to air fresheners, especially if you want to take a more active role in your own health. It can fill a room with the natural and mild fragrance from oils that freshens up your home while promoting overall wellness.

Friday 1 June 2018

My choice of essential oils

I started my journey with essential oils a couple of months ago and have been a fan of their natural healing and health capabilities ever since. They are also perfect for massage and overall health especially during the colds and flus season that were more commonly passed around us. Not forget to mention the HFMD among the children in the preschools.

I came across to doTERRA due to its pure and powerful results. Many essential oils in the market are not pure. Often, they contain fillers or other elements that dilute and alter the purity.
In order to guarantee that the oils are pure, doTERRA has formulated a testing procedure that qualifies doTERRA oils as uniquely pure and free of contaminants. This quality protocol is called Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade CPTG.

Each doTERRA essential oil is also carefully and thoroughly tested using the strict CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® quality protocol. Experienced essential oil users will immediately recognize the superior quality standard for naturally safe, purely effective therapeutic-grade doTERRA essential oils.

During the CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade process, each batch of oils is subjected to extensive and rigorous testing that ensures the purity, potency, and consistency of the essential oils. Because quality oils can empower individuals and families, doTERRA makes it their priority to provide you with the purest and most effective oils possible. With each doTERRA product, you can be confident that you are receiving the highest quality essential oils, and that our effective standard testing methods are created with you and your loved ones in mind.

Please choose carefully and wisely on the essential oils that you are going to use.

Thursday 31 May 2018

Natural remedial

Essential Oil Diffuser is the perfect product to bring the many benefits of essential oils into your home. Simply add water and oils to your diffuser to produce a superfine mist that adds a refreshing scent to any room in your house.
To soothe my girl’s cough and running nose, I have been using 2 drop On Guard Blend + 2 drops Frankincense during Zzzz time.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

My first essential oil

The first essential oil I ever tried was doTerra Lavender Oil. I have been diffusing Lavender for some times and the scent is uplifting, calming, relaxing and good for sleep.
Have you included essential oils in your bucket list to start up a natural living?

Don’t feel intimidated by how to get started with essential oils. It’s really easy and a lot of fun! 
There are a few ways in which you can start using essential oils, and soon you’ll be surprised in how many areas of your life you are able to use your essential oils