Starter Kit

For those who never try the essential oils and would like to look for a great kit to get started with, the doTERRA Home Essential Kit is a perfect kick start for you.

This kit offers so much as it's really all you need to use oils well and see a huge impact in your home. The kit comes with 6 single oils and 4 blends that really meet your basic personal and home needs.

15 ml Lemon
15 ml Lavender
15 ml Frankincense
15 ml Oregano
15 ml Peppermint
15 ml Tea Tree
15 ml Breathe

15 ml Breath
15 ml DigestZen
15 ml On Guard
5 ml Deep Blue

In addition, it also includes a bottle of Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO) that works as carrier/ base oil, a Petal Diffuser and an Introductory Packet.

WHAT else?
You will also receive a free wholesale account that allows you to purchase the doTERRA products at wholesale price, which is 25% discount of retail price.

Price: S$467 nett/ RM1269 nett

For more details, please email me at, or follow me at my Facebook or Instagram.

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